Author Guidelines
General Guidelines
- The article has not been previously published or under review in other journals or other places
- The article has to be an original work of the author/s
- The article free from plagiarism including self-plagiarism (Article was reviewed independently by the application of anti-plagiarism)
- The article should be provided in word document (Microsoft word)
- The article permitted written in Bahasa Indonesia or English font Times New Roman 12 pt., spacing 1.5, A4 paper (21cm x 29.7cm), using 3 cm for inside margin and 2 cm for the top, bottom, and outside margin.
- The words from uncommon or foreign languages are stated in Italic format. Each paragraph started 10 mm from the left side border while there are no spaces among paragraphs.
- The Article should be written approximately 3000-6000 words in length. This includes all text including, table, figure, references and appendices.
- The author/s have a responsibility to check thoroughly the accuracy of citation, grammar, table and figures before submission
- The author/s has a responsibility to revise their article after receiving a review from the editorial boards.
- The author/s should register before submitting their paper and fill the form completely.
- The article should be submitted via online submission
- The author should use a provided “template”
Structure of The Article
- Title
- Author’s name, author’s affiliation address, email address
- Abstract (300 words maximum)
- Keywords ( 3-7 words/phrases)
- Introduction (it consists of background statement, research questions, theoretical framework, literature review)
- Hypothesis (optional)
- Literature review (optional)
- Research method (it consist of data collecting method, research subject/object, data analysis, time and place of the research if the article based on the field research)
- Results and discussion
- Conclusion
- References
Writing System
- Title
- The title contains maximum 14 words, without abbreviations, Arial 14pt typed in bold, sentence case format and in the center text format.
- Title should be clear, short and concise that depicts the main concern of the article.
- Author details.
All contributing authors’ names should be added to the submission.
- Author email address (institutional preferred)
- Author name without academic title
- Author affiliation. This should be where they were based when the research for the paper was conducted.
In multi-authored papers, it’s important that ALL authors that have made a significant contribution to the paper are listed. Those who have provided support but have not contributed to the research should be featured in an acknowledgments section.
- Structure of abstract:
- Background of problems
- Purpose or research objectives
- Design/methodology/approach
- Findings or results
- Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
- Practical implications (if applicable)
- Social implications (if applicable)
- Conclusion
Abstract should be written in bahasa Indonesia and English, one paragraph, single space and in italic
- Keywords
Keywords consist of three to seven relevant words/phrases separated with the semicolon.
- Introduction
Introduction should consist of a general background of research problem and a literature review (state of the art), Current state of the field of understanding (often, we call this a literature review and it may even merit having its own section), Problem or gap in knowledge (what don’t we know yet or need to know? what does the field still need to understand? what’s been left out of previous research? is this a new issue that needs some direction?)
- The literature review: contains a systematic description of previous studies relevant to the research. This section describes the strengths and limitations of previous research that can be material for argument that the current work is conducted to refine or develop prior research. This section also contains theoretical basis, basic concepts and principles required for problem-solving related to the research. The literature review can be in the form of qualitative descriptions, mathematical models, concepts, or tools related to the study. All sources cited in the study must be clearly written in the reference list (optional is not a requirement, can be included directly in the results and discussion).
- Methods: The methods used in the problem solving of the research. The research methods section can go in any number of different directions, depending on the type of research you conducted. Methods consist of the type of research, subject and object, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, the location and time of the research.
- Result and Discussion
Result: This part consists of the research results and how they are discussed. The results obtained from the research have to be supported by sufficient data. Use this section to show tables, charts, graphs, quotes, etc. from your research. At this point, you are not yet providing a full analysis. You’re simply showing what the data says. Be sure, when you include graphics and images, that you label and title every table or graphic (“Table 3: Interview Results“) and that you introduce them in the body of your text (“As you can see in Figure 1, seventy-nine percent of respondents…”)
Discussion: This is the section where the authors explain the meanings and implications of the results. Not repeat what has already been saying in the review of literature, Relate the results to the questions that were set out in the Introduction. The section pulls everything together and shows the importance and value of the work.
- Conclusion: contains research findings. It should answer research goals and give applicative recommendations. Moreover, it must be written in a paragraph without numbering. The conclusions should not contain only the repetition of the results and discussions. It should be the summary of the research results as the author expects in the research purposes or the hypothesis. The advices contain suggestions associated with further ideas from the research.
- References: All the references that used in the article must be listed in this part. In this part, all the used references must be taken from primary sources (scientific journals and the least number is 80% from all the references) that published in the last ten years. Each article should have at least ten references. All references must be formatted using APA style
Please follow this guide to show the level of the section headings in your article:
- First-level headings (e.g. INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULT AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION) should be in bold, with capital letters.
- Second-level headings should be in bold, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
- Third-level headings should be in italics, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns.
- Fourth-level headings should be in bold italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a full stop (full point) or other punctuation mark.
- Fifth-level headings should be in italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a full stop (full point) or other punctuation mark.
Article Classification
The authors' paper must be categorized from the list below:
Research paper. This category covers papers that report on any type of research undertaken by the author(s).
Case study. Case studies describe actual interventions or experiences within organizations. They may well be subjective and will not generally report on research. A description or a hypothetical case study used as a teaching exercise would also fit into this category.
Literature review. It is expected that all types of paper cite any relevant literature so this category should only be used if the main purpose of the paper is to annotate and/or critique the literature in a particular subject area. It may be a selective bibliography providing advice on information sources or it may be comprehensive in that the paper's aim is to cover the main contributors to the development of a topic and explore their different views.
General review. This category covers those papers which provide an overview or historical examination of some concept, technique or phenomenon. The papers are likely to be more descriptive or instructional ("how to" papers) than discursive.
Figures and Tables
Figures. All figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, webpages/screenshots, and photographic images) should be supplied at the highest resolution/quality possible with Arabic numerals and text clearly legible.
Tables. Give each table a brief title, the position of each table should be clearly labeled in the body of the article. All tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and have clear captions.
Copyright Notice
Libraria: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal